Water as a life source
Watering the lawn and garden is prerequisite for excellent appearance and strong health of grass turf and plants. Adequate watering of the lawn ensures high turf density and promotes growth enabling the lawn to compete against weeds, diseases and pests.
Watering Without Spoiling
According to our experience, exceptional lawn with superior turf could not be attained without reliable sprinkler watering system.
Namely, during the year lawns and plants experience two periods of intensive growth in spring and autumn (being due to warm weather with sufficient rainfall), while during summer heats and freezing winters grass and plants enter hibernation phase.
Timeliness And Appropriateness
Irrigation and sprinkler systems designed for lawns or gardens ensure controlled, timely, adequate and balanced watering during periods of dry and heat preventing lawns to enter in to such hibernation phase. Therefore, grass growth continues enabling us to intensively use the lawn and enjoy its color and superior beauty.
Moreover, proper watering after application of fertilizers and some medicaments is extremely important as it dissolves them and dispense all over turf and roots, thus preventing such agents to damage grass and plants.
System Custom-Made Just For You
We offer you our assistance in selecting most appropriate watering system and components but also in its installation and programing.
At first, we conduct screening and measuring of the landscape, quantifying tap-water pressure and flows, analyzing alternative water sourcing and compatible irrigation system. Accordingly, we would propose you high quality systems and modules manufactured by leading producers of watering equipment which suits the most to your garden or lawn. In addition to selection of manufacturers and systems, it is essential to choose properly all components including sprinklers, tubes and pipes sets of proper diameter, electromagnetic valves and other parts in order to avoid unpleasant surprises (insufficient water pressure and flows, harmful water jets and plant damages…).
Following the comprehensive analysis of the landscape, its current and planned appearance a detailed plan will be drafted including zone-marking, pipes and tubes route-marking and planning all features of the watering system that would be customized according to you needs and ideas.
Installation of the watering system will be performed in a manner that will harm appearance of your lawn or garden, in a minimal extent needed, by undertaking only necessary heavy works.
Finally, we will parameterize the central programing unit of the watering system in line with seasonal needs of the lawn and plants in your garden and provide you with a training to use and tune the system in the extent aligned with your preferences.
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